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A Tale about Hell

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Don't be deceived. Hell is a real place and yes it is an eternal fire and torture for all who go there forever and ever. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior now and repent of your sins. Trust Jesus! He is the Truth, The Way and The Life: no man come unto the Father, but by Jesus. Take no mans word for it. Not Pastor Doug or me. Pick up God's Holy Bible and read it for yourself. Ask the Holy Spirit to help lead you.
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You should take your own Advice ! God Mercy

God knew what he was doing by making mankind Mortal Souls . Satan is the liar who told Eve , you shall surely Not Die . This is where things get twisted and mixed with the philosophical teachings of the past like Plato who Jesus refuted in text during his day . During the Dark Ages Scripture was banned from the common people and Purgatory and other myths were used to collect money by fear tactics and the uneducated souls who followed the Roman Catholic Church or be tortured to death if you believed in Christ Alone. You were a heretic and worthy of death in their culture. Adam and Eve were driven from the Garden to insure they didn’t eat of “ THE TREE OF ETERNAL LIFE “ or they would indeed suffer forever , but GOD in His Mercy made sure they stayed MORTAL BEINGS . This is taught by Jesus himself who said Fear no man but God who is able to destroy Both Body and Soul in Hell Fire . In Revelations chapter 20:10 Satans Judgment is pronounced Eternal , Revelations 21:8 Man’s Judgment is pronounced as having his PART in the Lake of Fire . According to the deeds done in the flesh, determines what degree of punishment is appropriate for each Soul individually. Jesus is the only way to obtain Eternal Life.
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Priscilla Jervey
Sadom and Gorham was said to burn in an Eternal fire, are they still burning tofday?? All were consumed! Just as the evil will be consumed and burned up so states the scriptures. They will be tread like ashes beneath the feet of the righteous.
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Sechaba Bhembe
God said it, it is pain forever and did not say for a while or just 1000years he meant it and made an example with a huge gap separating a rich man in Hell and the ones in Heaven that it is made impossible to help or change Gods judgement, it doesnt matter if its fire or headache but it is pain that will never end...He wasn't buying people to worship him he made a decision that is right under his eyes he is God and everything is true and real what he does or says, he wasnt buying souls.
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Priscilla Jervey
Yeah, the old worn rich man and Lazarus analogy! When you die you aren't going anywhere but the grave - back to dust! The immortality is NOWHERE in the Bible!! If you already had immortality then God would not have to give it to us (as a gift) at the judgement. There is a difference between " punishment" and Ever -lasting punishing!! So get over it!
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I LOVE the truth. Cause the truth shall set us free
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Priscilla Jervey
Yes it can and unfortunately we have far too many false doctrines in Christianity.
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knowing the truth about hell fire is the most beautiful way of expressing God is love
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john allcott
Re. the passage in Revelation, the vision given to John consists of highly symbolic and apocalyptic imagery, so it must be interpreted carefully. The imagery of restlessness and smoke rising perpetually from torment may not actually communicate eternal torment, any more than a seven-headed, ten-horned beast (Rev 13:1) ridden by a prostitute with the name of a city on her head (Rev 17:3-6) communicates a future reality like something pictured in a horror movie.
So then what does the imagery in this portion of John’s vision communicate? The harlot Mystery Babylon is seen tormented as well (Rev 18:7,10,15) and smoke from her torment also rises forever (Rev 19:3). But with respect to the city the harlot represents the interpreting angel says, “Babylon the great city [will] be thrown down with violence, and will be found no more” (Rev 18:21), borrowing language from Ezekiel 26:20-21, a prophecy concerning the destruction of the city of Tyre fulfilled long ago: “you will not be inhabited . . . you will be no more; though you will be sought, you will never be found again.”
So this imagery of smoke rising forever from torment, when interpreted in the light of the Old Testament source it is quoting from, communicates permanent destruction that leaves lifeless remains. This should serve as no surprise to students of the Old Testament; the imagery comes straight from Isaiah 34:8-10 which describes the fires which long ago destroyed the city of Edom and have since dissipated: “Night and day it shall not be quenched; its smoke shall go up forever.” Edom is not literally burning to this day, smoke is not still rising from its remains.
The imagery of smoke rising forever communicates the permanency of Edom’s destruction and that of Mystery Babylon. Therefore, the smoke rising from the torment of the beast-worshippers amounts to imagery communicating their permanent destruction as well.
Not true, I'm afraid. You don't understand Scripture, and you don't understand God. But let's say it was true. Are you trying to comfort Christ-less people by telling them they don't have to worry, as they'll be DESTROYED BY FIRE? I sure hope you're not a psychiatrist or a counselor.

Believing as you do is, unfortunately, a slap in the face of Jesus who bled and died so that all who believed in Him would not perish “in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8), but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

Remember, those that died in their sins will also be resurrected. They too will have immortal bodies. They won’t die and they won’t be destroyed. Their torment will be forever (Matthew 25:41, Mark 9:43-44, Revelation 14:11).

God is love, but people wrongly think of it as a sickly, humanistic type of love, all butterflies and rainbows. God’s love is what took His only begotten Son to the cross for you and me.

If we reject Jesus and His sacrifice of atonement, we’re effectively trampling His blood underfoot. How do you think the Father feels about that? If your son gave his life to save his friends’ lives, and they reject what he did and mock him, how would you feel?
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Duane Brewer
I am so thankful the truth has been revealed to me about this subject. Now I love God even more.
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Mickey Stier
Wow, very clear and a blessing for me. Thank you
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It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance, not fear of torment. The Old Testament in every case contrasts death (Hell, Sheol, Hades) against reward. All these terms reference the 'grave', not the greek or medieval concepts of hell.
All will be raised to judgement, only some will get a reward.
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Priscilla Jervey
You are so right! I opted to do a presenttion in my sunday bible study class regarding an ever-burning hell, but was Refused!! Wonder Why?? Perhaps the churches want to scare the hell out of you to keep you in the bondage of fear!
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Mike S.
yes that is my experience. Seems like those who have a stake in keeping fannies in the seats on sunday would benefit by emphasizing "turn or burn" theology, rather than "the Love of Christ constrains me". The preaching of the cross is perfect love. And "perfect love casts out fear because fear has torment".
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Very very very Happy to know God doesn’t burn people in hell. After all, even the devil is a fallen angel who shall be forgiven by God as forgiveness is taught by Jesus. All mankind must receive this message of love and forgiveness.
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I don't think you watched the video... All the unbelieving and Lucifer and his demons will be burned by an everlasting flame for as long as is just until they are no more.
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Every Christian has a duty to relay this truth when talking to others about Hell & Hell Fire. When we say otherwise, we put unnecessary fear into people and misrepresent God.
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Priscilla Jervey
You are so right.
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What a deception lol. This would not be a bad death then would it? Live a very wicked life on earth and simply die and eventually not know anything? Sounds like a decent deal. No eternal torment to worry about anymore?
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Priscilla Jervey
Don't deceive yourself, the wicked are going to burn up in the lake of fire, I suspect the length will be equivalent to the evils they have done, but make no mistake their eternal END will come! When Christ returns (the resurrection) the graves will give up their dead. There is a day set aside for judgement
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Joe T.
This video is deceptive. People who wind up in hell will be conscious and will burn forever. God's ways are not our ways; God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Those who maybe good people, but have refused to accept Jesus as their personal savior and the "only way" will be doomed.
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first, God is love and there was, is, never will exude a spirit of fear, terror. the only worship, following, obedience He seeks and accepts is that of love for Him. using a human analogy, what parent would ever punish their child for the rest of their life for something done wrong? certainly not a loving one, God forbid. yet many who take the name of Jesus on their lips think that this is the character of God and His Christ. the Bible, more specifically, the words of Jesus tell us their are 2 deaths and 2 resurrections. Revelation 22:12-15; Revelation 20:6; John 5:28-29. Revelation 20 gives the picture of death, hades, the grave being thrown into the lake of fire. the imagery here is of the Valley of Hinnom outside Jerusalem. the word used is in Greek Gehenna, basically the garbage dump, a place of refuse, where the stench at times could be so horrible, if it was not kept smoldering. the bible tells us that sin and sinners will be "no more," when they are cast into the lake of fire there will be a last of them thrown in and come to an end.
the parable of Lazarus and the rich man is just that, a parable, an allegory, a story, used to make a point. a parable, allegory, should never be used as a standard for doctrinal teaching other than the point of the story. i have never heard anyone who believes in going to heaven or hell at death say they believe there is communication between those in either place. thru out the old scriptures there are warnings against even thinking or trying to communicate with the dead. why? because they are dead and have no more anything to do with what happens under the sun, Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, Psalms 146:4. Jesus tells us in these words, "ye believe in God, believe also in Me. in My Fathers house there are many mansions. if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am there you may be also." John 14:1-3.
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Billions of people have lived and died without ever hearing of Jesus. What happens to them?
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Wouldn't more people be fine with not existing vs being tormented forever? Will that help with people choosing the Lord or deter it more? Obviously God is sovereign and he'll have His children with Him no matter what. Just a thought.
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Jesus suffered, died and went to the grave. But he rose from the grave. He is not dead anymore. You can find that in the Bible.
Read your Bibles people, please. Don’t be deceived. The statements made here are opinions and don’t match the context of the Bible.
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Hell is not a tale Jesus spoke about the story of Lazarus and the rich man in hell read Lk16:19- 31
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Priscilla Jervey
Here we go again back to the old worn-out and misunderstood parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Ask yourself if you were on fire. burning in agony would a drop of water on your tongue really help???!!!! Well that is if anyone could get that near you ! Just to make a point but why would the rich man want Lazarus to go to his brothers?? After all judgement had already happened - to everyone! Wouldn't it have been too late for a warning?? This is just a parable , no more no less. Jesus was talking to the pharisess/scribes who were selfish and self-serving.
When christ returns that is the the day of reckeoning, it is not when a person dies.
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Mike S.
yes and also poor Lazarus is seen as being in "Abraham's bosom". That's a tip-off that this is a parable to teach about being kind to poor folk. Abraham was a sinner just like us. He is no savior in heaven. So the lesson here is do the golden rule down here while we can, which is the second of the 2 great commandments taught by Jesus
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In the parable of the rich man & Lazarus in Luke 16:23-24 Hell is translated "Hades" (place of the dead) and not "Gehenna" (which would be HELLFIRE), but yet the rich man did say that he was tormented in
this flame. Its a little confusing.
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Mike S.
its a parable. Jesus was using the local folk lore to teach people not to ignore the needs of others less fortunate
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What happens if you pour eternal water onto the eternal fire? Asking for a friend.
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Priscilla Jervey
Good question!!
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Hi, i love god with my life and heart and Learning about all that about hell is scary in a place I never want to be at, i’m Learning more about god because i’m just a kid and some reason my head keep telling me to sin, i sin but i try to repent because i don’t want to make god sad that i do bad things. Im very happy that god is with me and you all be safe and stay strong.
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i love god with all my heart, it’s scary to go to hell, i’m Learning more about god because i’m just a kid but i have thoughts in my head that i don’t think of its cool “i hate god” “keep sinning” and i don’t think of that but it just comes to my head and i wanna get backtize. So my life can be safe with him, and i spread the gospel on social media and to my friends but sometimes i just don’t what to say! ok that’s it bye!
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If you believe that this video tells the truth, then it’s a sure sign that you will end up burning in the lake of fire for all eternity at the final judgment, unless you repent of your unbelief.
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Joe T.
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Why you say it’s a lie? The Bible says 2nd death in Revelations.
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Jesus is so amazing I just cry these tears of joy and amazement…
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Heading in the right direction for sure. God does not inflict torture and death on the wicked. Death is the result of being out of harmony with God’s design for life. I think there is confusion between the fire that cleanses sin/destroys the wicked and the fire that burns the earth to ash for the recreation of the new earth. Sin is not a physical thing that can be burned up. Sin is an idea, a thought, a way of being. In short, the root of sin is lies and selfishness. What is it that would destroy a lie? Truth. And what is it that destroys selfishness? Love. Our God is a consuming fire, a fire of truth and love. When the wicked are met with ultimate truth and love, they experience anguish, pain and suffering at the exposition of their true characters. Isaiah 33:14-15 asks who can dwell in the eternal burning and consuming fire and then it answers that it the righteous who dwell in this fire. The righteous bask in truth and love while the wicked are tormented by it. “They perish because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved.” The devil has tricked us to think that the place we don’t want to be is in the place of eternal burning and consuming fire, but that place is God’s very presence! Once the wicked have died from the pain, anguish and torture of what unremedied sin does to a person THEN a fire of combustion will cleanse the earth and will burn everything to ash and the earth will be recreated. But it is my understanding that the wicked will already be dead when the fires of combustion come.
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2 Thessalonians 2:10 is the Scripture reference for the wicked perishing because they refused to love the truth. There is a really great blog (with lots of Scriptural evidence) that dives deeper into this truth about hell on the Come and Reason Ministries website.
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This explanation of hell makes total sense. It is true, if sinners burned eternally in Hell, it wouldn't be just for all, and that goes against God's just character. Thank you for this explanation.
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God doesn’t burn people. People burn themselves.
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A brilliant analysis that debunks a very common misunderstanding and gives all of us hope and a better understanding of our Lords justice!
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I know God is a loving God, also a forgiving God. If one repents and asked for forgiveness. But if a person doesn't? The Bible tells us in Luke 16: 19-31
It's a parable but do you think Jesus would lie? The rich man said he was being tormented.
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Don Price
Excellent video. The only thing left out was the explanation of the terms used in the New Testament revealing they are metaphorical in nature.
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Great explanation!! Ty!
However...there IS a place called outer darkness that the wicked will be cast out to...but it doesnt say anything about eternal fire in that place!
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Well you can believe whatever you want people but Hell is real and the soul is immortal.
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find one scripture where it is said man or soul is immortal. immortal is mentioned only once in 1Timothy 1:17. immortality is mentioned in 5; Romans 2:7, 1Corinthians 15:53,54. 1Timothy 6:16, and 2 Timothy 1:10. never is it implied toward humanity, only God. you may say but eternal life is mentioned in other places. yes, most definitely. the most quoted, memorized vs, in the bible, John 3:16 puts this whole concept in perfect clarity, "for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not "perish" (Greek word in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is 'apollumi.' which means-to destroy fully. to perish, lit. and fig. to destroy), but have everlasting life." eternal life is promised to those who believe on Jesus and follow Him, not to those who don't. they are partakers of the second death spoken of in Revelation 20, for the first death passes to all men, there are a few exceptions, Enoch and Elijah, but the second death, which Jesus spoke of in Matthew 10:28, "to destroy both body and soul in hell (the lake of fire, hellfire). Psalms 104:35 puts it this way, "let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more." if God says they, the wicked, will be no more, i choose to believe Him. Peter refers to Sodom and Gomorrah as examples of hellfire. 2Peter 2:6 and Jude 7. they, and many other places say that they and surrounding cities were destroyed by hellfire, not that they are still burning. they suffered the vengeance of hellfire, the effects of which are eternal.
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Evon Austin
Only God has immortality... which Jesus gives His children when He returns. The wicked do not possess immortality. Hell is not a place, but a time period that will end when the wicked along with Satan and death are consumed.

1 Timothy 6:14-16
... until our Lord Jesus Christ’s appearing, 15 which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only [e]Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and
everlasting power. Amen.
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Read Ezekiel 18:20. It clearly says that the soul that sins without repentance shall die. Would death be death if they were just burning eternally in hell?

Note: If you read the NIV (which is quite inaccurate compared to other versions of the Bible), please see versions such as KJV and ESV. They are much more accurate.
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Where in the Bible is it taught that the "soul is immortal"?
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Evon Austin
The "soul" is not immortal... see my comment above.
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Israel Carreto
I agree with you 100%. I studied this doctrine because it was a theme that bothered me people burning for eternity, this God could Not be a God of justice.
The part you left out(maybe due to time)
Theme of hell burning for ever came from the Greek theater. And the Catholics implemented this in to the church as another way to control people.
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Hell is forever
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Really, where did you read this?
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“For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble.
And the day which is coming shall burn them up,” says the Lord of hosts, that will leave them neither root nor branch."
[~Malachi 4:1]
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Not according to Scripture ... God is not going to fry people / burn them alive in writhing pain and agony for an endless eternity for the sins of a brief lifetime.
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Bible Geezer
Excellent video, clear and concise. The only down side is that the scriptures cited had no chapter and verse indications to assist with note taking.
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Hell is real but it is not on Earth or below us and it was not made as a place to punish sinners or people who have angered god. It is the surface of out sister planet Venus, where the temperatures are 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the pressure is crushing and the atmosphere is full of acid. But god does not send us there and the devil does not reign over it.
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Billy Idol
Will I go to hell if I was born gay?
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No one is born gay, God made us male and female.
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First of all Billy you were not born gay. If you want to continue the conversation I am willing to engage you.
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Hell is for those who reject God, straight or gay. It was a gay man that introduced me to the SDA church and Sabbath truth 25 years ago.
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Repent, you have a choise in everything in life God made sure of that, and who told you you were gay, who told Adam and Eve they were naked in the garden.....
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May the good lord bless you as you contnue in jesus christ name Amen
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Didn't Jesus Christ say, "...Better to enter life maimed than to go into hell where the fire is not quenched".?
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“Quenched“ means to “put out.“ A fire that cannot be quenched is one that cannot be stopped until it’s finished burning up everything it’s burning. It doesn’t mean that it keeps burning forever.
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Brian:...JESUS said nothing about the "fire being quenched" at some point....HE said "the fire is NEVER quenched"
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bad theology-people in hell have spiritual bodies-fire is a symbol of the purifying love of God that torments souls forever because they have rejected that love
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Where does the Bible talk about these spiritual bodies in hell? That comes from paganism. Only the saved receive a new body. You are believing Satan's first lie.
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Can you share any Scripture to back up your statements?
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This is all false doctrine. Please read John 3:36, also read the gospel according to Luke when it speaks of the rich man and the beggar. Hell is real and reserved for the devil and his angels and all those who follow him. Seventh day Adventist are preaching false doctrine read the Bible.
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BibleBeliever apparently you are believing another bible then the one I believe. KJV is the one I read and study from. Ask yourself the question according to John 3:36 "Did Jesus suffer the wrath of God for us all?" Because we KNOW HE DID HE drank the cup of the wrath of GOD. Is Jesus burning forever? or is HE in HEAVEN preparing us mansions? John 14:1-3 If we believe the wicked will burn forever we cannot believe that Jesus died for the sins of the world John 3:16. If we believe that the wicked burn forever alive in a pit than we also must believe that Jesus died for only a select few. THis is NOT WHAT the KJV bible teaches. I am sorry that you believe a false doctrine. Only God gives eternal life and those who accept HIS LOVE receive eternal life. Those who choose not to accept the LOVE OF GOD PERISH it's just that simple.
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So what i see in the story in Luke 16, is a story aimed at the Pharisees warning them that the Jews /Richman are not saved by their family tree or their traditions. They had been given the word of God and they had a job to do, share the word of God with the Gentiles/Lazarus and that Jews better get their act together before it was to late and they ended up in Hades while the Gentiles who accepted Gods word end up in heaven. Remember Jesus does raise Lazarus from the dead and the Pharisees tried to kill him again. So evidently they still dont get it.
John 3:36 goes with John 3:16 but God will not be giving eternal life to those who won’t believe.
A Human
Please read John 3:16
The story of the rich man and Lazarus is a parable with a certain lesson. A finger of water cannot quench the rich man's tongue, let alone make it to his tongue without evaporating. Read more here: Also, read John 3:16. Those who do not accept God do not get eternal life, so they perish. Other places in the Bible will confirm that hellfire turns the wicked to ashes, and that they perish and receive eternal punishment which is death, and that even Satan himself will be devoured and will be no more. You are the one who has mistaken false doctrines. Like you said, read the Bible.
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I agree, this is false doctrine based on man's perceptions and feelings. God is holy.
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How so?
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@ BibleBeliever
Look at the beginning of the chapter. Who is Jesus talking to? Pharisees? Opponents of Truth who get questions and parables instead of the plain truth they won't accept? What is symbolized by these characters of the Rich Man & Lazarus since they can't be real people, but instead are common names?
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This is the second death
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Kim B. Confirming Saturday is sabbath. 3rd generation SDA
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Kim Brown I believe and thank you Doug.
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Thre is something vitally important that was left out. Sin did not start in the garden. And there is different levels of hell. Sin started in heaven. Lucipher(Satan) chose to use his limited free will to rebel against God and brought a third of the angels with him. I know other questions are automatically raised. Its good to ask questions. But i have to stay on topic. So the most brilliant angel God ever created fell into sin. Now humans who believe in Christ are sealed by the Holy spirit. They can not fall again. All other humans choose to go to hell where they will be trespassing in their sins. All humans are told to choose life or death. Angels already had there time to choose God or Rebel Satan. Hell was made for satan and his angels. So dont forget the other two thirds of angels left in heaven. God has to make an example out the rebels and so no one forgets even 999,999,999,999,999,999,999 years you get the point eternity from now. That is why Hell will last forever. God is effectively saying we will not be doing this again meaning this universe and all its horrors. Justification has to be fulfilled so the child rapist doesn't get to go free. If the child rapist excepts Christ then Christ took that punishment. There is also different levels in heaven. So a man who destroys little childrens lives wont be on the heavenly city counsel board of commissioners but he will just barley make it in to bow before God forever. But why does he get in. He asked for his Sin to be taken away and to be given a new heart so that in heaven God doesn't have to keep an eye on him to make sure he hasn't reverted back to his wicked ways. He is a new creation in Christ. Also if God just put all the sinners and satan and his angels on their own planet they would just keep sinning. God hates sin. He loves the sinner. That is the plea. Repent from your sins now Believe on Jesus Christ. His Love says i dont want you to get caught up the lies satan has told you.I dont want you to go to
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Christa McGuire
Very well said mikewaller! God indeed is a God of Love! The Bible states that God IS Love, that is His complete character. When taking His LOVING character into mind, WHY would He torture His children that He made out of love with His own two hands, with fire forever and ever? Prior to becoming a mother, I could not fathom anyone writhing in hell fire forever, and after becoming a mother it is absolutely HORRENDOUSLY impossible for me to think that my child could ever possibly become one of those forever tortured souls. The love of your child is so strong, and yet God says that His love for His children is stronger! So, could a loving God really do that to his creation? There are so many translations and terminologies that have been mixed up over time. Why is that? Satan takes truth and injects lies, so much that it causes the most intelligent humans on this earth to believe them. The Bible speaks Love which is Gods character, therefore the Bible IS Gods character, however if you misinterpret the words you will find the false character that Satan wants you to find. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2 KJV. In other words, study the Bible to learn the truth so that when you speak it, you do not speak false doctrine! The ONLY way for us to interpret the truth in the Bible is through the help of the Holy Spirit, never open the Bible without soulful prayer and make sure you ask for the truth to be revealed to you. God's Biblical truth and His guidance is all you need!
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Tell me if I have my facts straight. When I die God will pop my spirit into a new body so he can burn me alive. Since He is a loving God it will be painful but quick. This time I will really be dead. I won't be revived again for either eternal life or eternal damnation. I have decided not to go to heaven since it seems rather boring plus I'm not a fan of Jehovah. I think it was a bad decision drowning everyone. Plus think about the mental anguish of all those virgins captured in Jericho. Really? I know you can say a prayer to get to heaven but can I say a prayer to ensure the double death plan? I'd prefer the one and done plan but aparently that is not an option.
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When you die, you simply cease to exist. There is no consciousness in death. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, and 10 says "The living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, their hatred, and their envy have now perished; nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun...There is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." Hell will take place on earth after the thousand years after Christ's 2nd coming. The wicked will be raised in regular, mortal bodies, and they will surround the New Jerusalem and fire will fall from heaven and destroy them. Explore the rest of this site and the Bible verses it presents for more info on hell.
For more info on what happens when you die, go to
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How is it that the beast and false prophet in revelation 20:10 seem to be present and not consumed during the 1000 years they are there?
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Amazing Facts
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the first sin you have committed here is to fit God into your box and think you understand him....commandment #1. congratulations.... Now repent... Hell is real, and Eternal! and is regarding the idea that it is real and is exactly what God says it is, is what the dark side wants.... Remember what the snake said in the Garden? "You shall not SURELY die" implying that God was lying? no he wasn't! They died spiritually... they were spiritually severed from God... and then eventually died physically as well..
In the same way, this statement, "You shall not SURELY burn in hell forever" and we again implying that God is lying again? have we learned nothing from His Word? or our past? or our ancestors?
What is this none-sense that God will have to provide a miracle for your body to burn forever in Hell?? you don't even understand that your soul IS already eternal, whether you are a believer or not, and it is YOUR SOUL, not your body, that eternally burns in Hell.... no miracle necessary there....
Stop spreading lies, because on the Day of Judgement you will have to give an account for every idle word that came out of your mouth! and all the people who you have deceived, their blood will be on your hands...
God is Just and before judging people to hell He will show you exactly why you are being sent there! Ever tried to question yourself and ask God if you are committing any sins you are unaware of that would be worthy of you burning in hell? Probably not.. Self check and self Judgement to make sure you stay on the right path is a lost art these days!
And Christians, stop getting offended with "you're judging me"! We are called to Judge within the Church of Christ We are called to call out false preachers and teachers who put stumbling blocks in front of weaker believers! Wake up! His Kingdom is at hand, more now than ever before!!! Yes he doesn't want anyone to perish, but he won't force the way down your throat! it is your responsibility to believe, receive and repent
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In the Bible, the word "forever" doesn't always mean nonstop or without end. It has a connection with the circumstance and the person(s) in it. When the wicked will burn "forever," it means they will burn "until they die," or "as long as they live." However, when the righteous live "forever," their circumstance is that they received eternal life and will be given the same lifespan as God, so they live throughout eternity. Eternal life is NOT granted to the wicked, so they will perish in the fire. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."(Emphasis added) The wicked will perish in the flames, for they are not granted everlasting life. God will not have people tortured endlessly throughout eternity for something they did in a lifespan the size of a grain of sand. What you think about hell affects what you think about God. An eternally non-stop hell puts slander on the just and loving character of God, and is exactly what Satan wants you to think. Such an idea has driven reasonable people away from the faith and kept simple-minded people scared. God wants to end sin, not perpetuate and immortalize it.
There is a common misconception about the nature of the soul which needs to be cleared up. What does the Bible say about the relationship between breath, body, and soul? In order to understand this properly, we need to look back at how life started, because death is the reverse of the beginning of life. Genesis 2:7 "And The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Other Bible versions translate "living soul" to "living being.") Note that it doesn't at all say that man received a soul, it says he became a soul. Living souls are living beings! The Bible doesn't teach that we have living souls, it teaches that we are living souls! A living soul(living being) is a combination of breath and body, and when we die, that combination is disbanded. Ecclesiastes 12:7 says "Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it." The spirit that's being talked about here is the breath of life. It is simply the life-giving energy that keeps us alive. When someone dies, their breath goes back to God who gave it, regardless of whether or not they are saved. Nowhere does God's Word ever say that the spirit of life is a conscious entity, and it's not to be confused with God's Holy Spirit(which is part of the Godhead, and is a conscious entity). The breath of life is simply the principle that keeps us alive. Ezekiel 18:20 proves that souls do die. The concept of an eternal soul is not found in the Bible, except when referring to God. Only God is immortal, and earthlings(humans, plants, and animals infected by sin) are all subject to the first death. There is a video on the nature of death here:
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I think when god created man .he created a dead soul and when he breathed life into the body it became a living soul.
logically speaking
your body is the soul .with air it is a living soul without air it is a dead soul
the bible teaches that we are souls.
a living soul is a combination of breath and body and a dead soul is a body with air-breath.
i agree that the body and breath the living soul of the wicked that are brought back to life to be judged by god after the 1000 years after the seconding coming of christ will die for ever
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When God created man, since man was not previously alive, he couldn't have been dead, but simply started as nonliving. You are correct in saying that when He breathed life into the body, it became a living soul. On the part where you said, "...and a dead soul is body with air-breath," didn't you mean to say, "a dead soul is a body without breath"? That would be a more accurate way of saying it. Other than that, your comment is biblically accurate.
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ALL souls are MINE zero exceptions SAID whom? thanks for REPLY where when APPLICABLE
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Hell in the Bible

The word “hell” is used 54 times in the Bible. It is translated from several different words with various meanings, as indicated below:
In the Old Testament:
  • 31 times from the Hebrew “Sheol,” which means “the grave”
In the New Testament:
  • 10 times from the Greek “Hades,” which means “the grave”
  • 12 times from the Greek “Gehenna,” which means “a place of burning”
  • 1 time from the Greek “Tartarus,” which means “a place of darkness”

What is Purgatory?

A tradition held by the Catholic Church that teaches people who are not good enough to be worthy of heaven, but not bad enough to deserve hell, suffer in an intermediary state until their sins are purged.

But is it in the Bible? Click here to learn more.